Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace in London

> Buckingham Palace is the weekday home to the Queen and her 450 or so staff. It is one of the Queen's six homes.

> This familiar view of the Palace is in fact the east wing extension. The more important state rooms are hidden  from view in the west wing behind.

> The archways (1) lead through to a central courtyard.

> The balcony (2) where the Royal family gathers to wave to the crowds on big occasions, was added in 1913 when  this side of the building was redesigned and clad in the grey Portland stone.

 > Red tarmac on the forecourt (3)  and along the Mall is used here to suggest red carpeting.

> The North-centre gate (4) is the everyday entrance to Buckingham Palace, while the larger centre gates (5) are for ceremonial use.

> When the Queen is at home, the yellow and crimson Royal Standard will be flying; the Union flag (6) flies when she is not.

 > The 40 minute ceremony of the changing of the Guard that takes place on the palace forecourt can be difficult to see through the palace railings and the tourist crowds.

> The website for Buckingham Palace can be seen here.

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