No.10 Downing  Street

10 Downing Street in London Street Sensation logo

> No.10 Downing Street is both home and office to the Prime Minister. The first floor (1) is used as the living area and it extends next door (2) over Numbers 11 and 12.

> The famous black door of No.10 that appears in all the news reports is said to only open from the inside. The brass letterbox (3) is engraved with 'First Lord of the Treasury'. The second Lord of the Treasury is the Chancellor next door at No.11

> The black exterior (4) was once the result of years of London pollution. The brickwork is in fact a yellow colour and is now painted black to keep the familiar appearance.

> Downing Street has been gated since 1989 when Margaret Thatcher was in office, preventing public access. There was a similar barricade in 1918 when violent protest by supporters of Irish Independence was anticipated.

> To the right (5) is an extension to the original terrace. No.10 is also connected to larger buildings at the back, overlooking Horseguards Parade.

> The website for No.10 Downing Street can be seen here.

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