Houses of Parliament in London, Palace of Westminster

> The Houses of Parliament are situated in the riverside Palace of Westminster. The section of the building with the tiled roof - Westminster Hall (1) -  is all that remains of the earlier palace that was destroyed by fire. Nine hundred years ago, this was the monarch's main residence, at which time the business of government became established on the site and it has remained here ever since.

> The famous Victorian, gothic-style building is faced with yellow Anton stone. This is a magnesium limestone that dissolves readily in acidic London rain and requires constant maintenance.

> The clock tower (2) is home to the Great Bell of Westminster, or 'Big Ben', which strikes on the hour. Five smaller bells chime on the quarter hour. A lantern (3) above the clock - the Ayrton Light - is turned on when the MPs are sitting after dark.

> The public entrance to the Houses  of Parliament is at St Stephen's Porch (4). A corridor leads to the central lobby, and from here, the Commons chamber is off to the left and the Lords chamber (5) is off to the right.

> The octagonal central tower (6) directly above the octagonal central lobby, is an elaborate ventilation shaft  into the building.

> The square Victoria Tower (7) is where the archive of parliamentary proceedings is kept. The rest of the building is essentially offices and committee rooms. There are 8 bars and 6 restaurants.

> The Houses of Parliament website can be seen  here.

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Houses of  Parliament