The National Theatre

The National Theatre in London

> The Royal National Theatre is actually three theatres in one building - The Olivier, The Lyttelton and The Dorfman.

> At night the concrete fly towers (1) are colourfully lit up or (2) used as a screen for projected images. The space inside the tower is for the lighting and scenery above the theatre stage.

> The moving sign (3) gives details of current or future productions, visible from Waterloo Bridge and the embankment on the other side of the river.

> The main entrance (4) to the National Theatre is at the plaza (Theatre Square) where free outdoor entertainment can be seen during the summer months.

> The terraces (5) with riverside views are accessible from  the Olivier theatre. The Olivier is the largest of the three theatres with an open stage and seating for over a thousand  people.

> The National Theatre website can be found here.

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